Supplemental International Transfer Credit Guide

Country Institution Name Course Title UA Equivalency Requirement Designator
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Diversity and Culture ELCR Dept. Elective Upper Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) 028227 Learning and Development across the Lifespan PSY Dept. Elective Exploring Perspectives: Social Scientist
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) 92494 Psychosocial Perspectives in Health PSY Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Construction Materials CE Dept. Elective Upper Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Heat Transfer AME Dept. Elective Upper Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Student Welfare: Implications for Teaching and Learning ELCR Dept. Elective Lower Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) 92564 Sport and Exercise Medicine ELCR Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) 60006 Scientific Perspectives for Global Issues ELCR Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Strategic Human Resource Management MGMT Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Differential Equations MATH 254
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Contemporary Germany ELCR Dept. Elective Upper Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Transnational Media COMM Dept Elective Upper Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) 92521 Functional Anatomy ELCR Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Health and Homeostasis ELCR Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Mathematic Modelling 2 ELCR Dept. Elective Lower Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Fluid Mechanics AME 331
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Diversity and Culture ELCR Dept Elective Upper Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Foundations of Forensic Science Not Transferable
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) 99220 Planetary Decarbonisation ELCR Dept Elective Upper Division Transfer
Australia University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) 21655 Sport and Society ELCR Dept. Elective Lower Division Transfer