Supplemental International Transfer Credit Guide

Country Institution Name Course Title UA Equivalency Requirement Designator
Korea Hanyang University Human-Computer Interaction ELCR Dept. Elective Lower Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University Micro-Processor Applications CSC 252
Korea Hanyang University Investments ELCR Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University SOC2016 Introduction to Population Studies SOC Dept. Elective Upper Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University General Physics & Experiment I PHYS Dept Elective Exploring Perspectives: Natural Scientist
Korea Hanyang University Intro to Engineering Design ENGR Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University Animal Physiology 1 ACBS Dept Elective Upper Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University Korean Speaking and Culture KOR Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University CHM2011 Analytical Chemistry CHEM Dept Elective Credit Lower Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University CUL3102 The Language of Cinema MAR Dept. Elective Lower Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University Principles of Programming Languages CSC 372
Korea Hanyang University ECO4064 Microeconomic Issue and Application ECON Dept Elective Credit Upper Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University Korean Pop Dance DNC Dept. Elective Building Connections: Artist/Humanist
Korea Hanyang University Human-Computer Interaction CSC 343
Korea Hanyang University Psychology of Happiness PSY Dept. Elective Lower Division Transfer
Korea Hanyang University SOC2015 English Readings in Sociology SOC Dept. Elective Building Connections: Humanist/Social Scientist
Korea Jeonju University Engineering Math 3 ELCR Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Korea Jeonju University Thermodynamics PHYS Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Korea Jeonju University Politics of Major Countries POL Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer
Korea Jeonju University Engineering Math 2 ELCR Dept Elective Lower Division Transfer